LUCENT Shoe Inventory is an inventory software that designed specially to meet the requirements of small and medium sized enterprises (SME), such as shoe stores whole sale or retail. It is easy to create invoice, do Inventory control like invoice management, stock balance management, goods item management, goods category management, staff sales records management and staff permission management, backup and restore stock by Shoe Inventory's user friendly and graphical interface and functionalities. And Shoe Inventory supports full customizable Company info, tax code and value, invoice number etc.
Daily Business Functions are made easy.
Details of products in the stock with product code, brand name, size, quantity, selling price and cost price.
Entry of new products with above details.
Searching option by product code, by size.
Details of sold products with receipt no. and date.
Calculation of total sales.
Date wise view of sales with calculation of sales Between that period of time.
Searching option by receipt no., by product code.
Details of purchasing with product details, order no., dealer’s name etc.
Automatic entry of products in the stock while making entry in purchase.
Date wise view of details of purchase.
Searching by order no., by date.
Easy picking of products from the list while creating bill,
Automatic display of selling price.
Calculation of discount (if any), total amount.
Print bill.
Display of all the items sold on the given receipt no.
Easy picking of item to be replaced from the list.
Print bill with details of replacement and amount due.
Entry of monthly expenses in various categories like electricity bill, phone bill, rent etc.
Calculation of total amount of expenses.
Searching options by month, by year.
Entry of all bank transactions with bank name, account no., cheque/credit card no., amount, date.